Sunday, January 5, 2014

True and Faithful 
For our first Sunday lesson this month I decided to introduce the new manual we will be using: Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith, in a fun way.  I put together a concentration game of dates and numbers that apply to President Smith's life.  The room will be divided into two teams and each member of the team has to try to match the number or date with the correct event.  Encourage each team to work together and help each other.  The point is to get them using their manuals, not to stump them.
All of the facts come from the manual and this month's Ensign magazine.
Here is the list of dates and items in Excel, put each one on an index card with the number on the opposite side.  The first column has the manual page numbers where the answer can be found.  Put the number side out in 2-4x5 grids on the board.  Numbers 1-20 are dates/numbers and Numbers 21-40 are the events.
Here is the list of stories/quotes that go with some of the events from the Ensign in Microsoft Word.  Dates have been removed to hand the items out to have read if desired.  Also is a copy of the events to print out if so desired.

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